Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Auditorium in blue

A few weeks ago, I heard on the radio that it was the "World Diabetes Day". In order to concern people about diabetes, in many cities would change the usual illumination´s color of significant buildings. The chosen color for that special occasion was blue. So the auditorium of Tenerife would be part of the campaign.

I couldn´t resist myself to go there and take some photos. I had never seen it with that kind of decorative lighting before.

Therefore, after my german classes, I made my way to the auditorium. The night was clear. The temperature was perfect, neither cold nor too warm. There were no clouds on the sky. And there weren´t many people at the street either.

It was great. I carried my little tripod, in order to avoid blurred photos. I found a good place to start the work. A little wall, with a perfect panoramic of the subject and where I could put the camera and sit myself.

I took many photos, and I would have taken more, but I arrived too late. Nearby eleven in the night, the lights were switched off. "What a pity" - I thought.

But I didn´t really mind, in fact, it was time to come back home. I hadn´t still have dinner, and I was a bit hungry!!!

Update: I have recently spoken with "pejeverde" about the image´s rights of the auditorium. Should I need to ask for autorization to take photos to it, suposing that I don´t pretend to make money with the photos? (and/or pay for it.) More about the subject here (in spanish.)


Pejeverde said...

Lo que te comentaba el otro día, lo explico con más detalla aqui.

alado said...

Pues sí que está registrada la marca "Auditorio de Tenerife"...

Espero que no les de por hacer una caza de brujas, porque si no, tendré que borrar muchas fotos.

Aún así, y no habiendo "money" de por medio, no creo que les de por denunciarme ;)

vespinoza said...

Yo soy diabético y he de decir que lo de pintar el auditorio de azul me ha hecho tanta una ilusión como que Sara Montiel me dedique una canción. Bueno quizás un lo de Sara me haga más ilusión