I´ve been wondering if it would be worthy to write something "green and ecological". After considering it for a while, I concluded that it is!, why not? So let´s start! Today, (October, the 15th) it is the "Blog Action Day", and this year it is about the Environment.
But, what does this mean? That many people around the world are doing and writing things related to the Environment. Then, I also want to support it in my own way.
So the objective is surely clear. And speaking about the execution, how can I approach it? Maybe, I could recommend a few tips to save energy at home. Or better, explain if I think or not that our oceans should be protected more, or the famous ozone layer... But I don´t want really to "speak". I want you to speak. So I am going to make the questions!
My aim is to promote the debate. Some people think that it isn´t necessary to care in an obssesive way about the environment. Others are predicting the world´s end in a few years, if we don´t change our way of living. Is ecology a fashion subject nowadays? Or, on the other hand, is it a serious one? The more is talked about, the better. I do believe that showing information and exchanging view points, is great to try to understand the world where we live.
So, here we go. A few questions. Read them, and try a bit of trivia: Ask them to others, try to answer some of them yourself, and let´s start talking!
- How much do you pay for light´s bill? Do you want to pay less? Do you know how to?
- Where is now or where do you think it could be the last bottle you threw into the garbage? It may be now in a dump, or reduced to small pieces being a new bottle, or maybe it is being used by someone else as a vase... What other ideas do you have?
- Supossing it´s raining, and you have to go nearby to buy some things (not very big neither heavy), would you take the car to the shop?
- If I throw a few things to a desert from a plane, where only one person lives (a piece of paper, a human´s body, and bottle made of glass) which one will be more useful to that hypothetic person? Which one could be found by archaeologists in the future?
- Will you vote to close down all nuclear instalations of your country if your electric bill would increase a 100%?
- How far are the paper, glass, yellow... containers from your home, if there are any?
- Are you aware of how a plant grows? How many trees are there around your home? Do you know what kind they are?
- Do you think that the climate is really changing? Have you realised something you think that could be related in your sourrondings? or not?
- How many people in your family don´t have a car?
- How many people in your family take less than 20 minutes to get to their job places?
Can a single person do something to change
and improve "how things work"?
and improve "how things work"?