(This is second part of a tale. If you hadn´t read the first one, I encourage you to read it first.)
They gave him that bread. After eating it, he told them: "You are the only one who have helped me, so I advice you to leave the village, because a tragedy is going to happen here."
When the two women had left that place, the pilgrim took his staff and drove it into the ground, saying:
When the two women had left that place, the pilgrim took his staff and drove it into the ground, saying:
"Where this crooks stands, a river will grow"
Out of the blue, a stream of water started to flow. The pilgrim went away, and the stream mutated into a river. The water quickly covered the whole village. There were no survivors.
After telling us that, the granny added:
The nights with a full moon, the church´s bell can be still heared. Nowadays, the only thing that remains from that day is the lake.
We thanked her for telling us the whole legend. After then, whenever I go back to the lake, and there is a full moon, I try to hear the bell.
The Sanabria Lake Chronicles, Chapter II.