Saturday, 1 December 2007


When the wind blows at high speed, many things can happen. Some of them are bad...

Either it disturbs you the whole night with its irritating sound or a tropical storm called Delta can arrive. (I got it checked on my list. I want no more.)

And there are more cons about the wind: It can also pull your kite too much, untill a line is breaked. After that, you can fall and get injured. (Actually, it happened to me.)

Moreover, I advise you to drive carefully and at lower speed than usually. When you are driving at 100km/h, the effect of wind on the car is highly noticeable. That is very dangerous, because you can lost control of the car in a second. (It didn´t happened to me, I haven´t crashed the car... yet.)

The wind also carries clouds. And the clouds carry water. And, if you are enjoying a windy day outside, it is probable that you will suffer a sudden storm over your head. Next, you could get a fresh new cold, in order to inaugurate the flu season. (...Yes, this point is on the "I did")

But our invisible friend has advantages too.

You can avoid to comb your hair, and when someone would tell you "what a terrific mess you have in your hair", simply answer that you hate the wind for untidying it. (Almost everybody has suffered it, please do recognise it!)

Another point in favor of the wind is that hanged out clothes dry faster than when there isn´t (well, supposing that it isn´t raining.) And that´s something to bear in mind when you are in a hurry and need your lucky item of clothing. ( mmm, I´ll leave it unchecked...)

The wind moves things: Pollution, clouds, wind turbines... Modern big cities use to have a dark hat above them. That hat is mainly a mix of contamination from cars, heating systems, industries... And when the wind gets you ride of it, you are very grateful to, so you can get a deep breathe of not-too-contaminated air. (Although the wind only displaces it, so other people would enjoy the hat.)

What other things occur when the wind is around us? I´ll leave them for other post! Untill then, I will bear these in mind, and I hope that it would turn into a soft breeze.

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